Update notes for the Pythia-PGS package used by MadGraph/MadEvent 2.1.16 (04/02/12) Pass writing file in append in order to have this version working with MG5 1.4. 2.1.15 (24/01/12) Upgrade Pythia to v. 6.426. Lift out the "-lSystemStubs" from some makefiles to make_opts (so it is easy to add/remove it as needed for different OS X versions). 2.1.14 (29/11/11) Ensure that also LHAPDF uses the Fortran compiler set in src/make_opts. 2.1.13 (17/11/11) Move FC and -m32/64 definition to separate file src/make_opts, to allow easy setting once for all makefiles. Rename lhapdflib to lhapdfliblocal to avoid that the systemwide version of lhapdf is used during the compilation time. 2.1.12 - fix one makefile, which was not allowing the FC specification 2.1.11 (06/10/11) PGS is now 10 times faster! (thanks to Junichi) 2.1.10 (03/10/11) Allow for state-of-the-art matching of processes with t-channel singlet exchange (e.g. VBF and single top). Don't count scattered partons (connecting to the t-channel singlet) as jet particles in the matching (just as b quarks are not counted in 4F matching since v. 2.1.9), but afterwards check that FSR from these lines don't give too hard radiation. Note that this requires to use MadGraph 5 v. 1.3.18 or later. - Change the makefile to allow to use gfortran by setting the environment variable FC 2.1.9 (24/09/11) Automatically set number of jet flavors based on MadEvent run_card, and set MSTJ(45) accordingly. Don't count final-state radiation from heavy quarks (to allow 4-flavor matching where the b counts as heavy). 2.1.8 (20/05/11) Changed output of events.tree for new reading routines. Removed some unnecessary code. 2.1.7 (11/05/11) Updated Pythia package to 6.425. Put pydata.o directly in compilation, to avoid linking problem for certain compilers. 2.1.6 (17/03/11) Implemented new feature to allow using color sextets: Specify REMRES=PDG in the pythia_card.dat (for up to 30 PDG codes) to remove these resonances from any event before showered by Pythia. 2.1.5 (21/01/11) Fixed stdhep makefiles to work with Mac OS X. 2.1.4 (03/03/10) Updated Pythia package to 6.4.22. 2.1.3 (09/12/09) Avoid Pythia writeout if failed hadronization. Fixed bug in PGS with stable charged particles. Removed superfluous warning printout from tauola. 2.1.2 (20/08/09) Fixed BRSUPP for multiple processes (thanks Matt Reece for pointing this out) 2.1.1 (30/07/09) Add support for "showerkt" matching with both kt schemes available in MG/ME v. 4.4.25 2.1.0 (08/06/09) Updated PGS to latest version and Pythia to 6.4.20. Ensure compatibility with gfortran. Allow for ckkw matching (ickkw=2). 2.0.27 (01/03/09) Fixed bug in e+e- processes, so that resonances are correctly treated also in this case. 2.0.26 (10/07/08) Changed behaviour in matching routine, so that now also radiation from resonances is taken into account in jet matching. Radiation from decay products is not included, corresponding to decay being done after addition of matrix element jets. 2.0.25 (11/04/08) Added matching options in the pythia_card.dat for multiple process files: IEXCPROC(PRID)=OPTION PRID is process number found after the @ in the proc_card.dat or in the event file. OPTION is -1 for unmatched process, 0 for inclusive (highest multiplicity) process, 1 for exclusive process. If no option=0 are given and highest mult. process not specified, standard treatment is used (according to IEXCFILE) for unspecified processes. If option=0 for at least one process, unspecified processes are treated as option=1. 2.0.24 (01/04/08) Removed adjustment of incoming heavy quark masses, to let Pythia take care of that instead. 2.0.23 (14/03/08) Added new matching options: logical nosingrad: If true, treat pairs of partons forming color singlets as coming from a colorless resonance (i.e. remove from jet listing) even if the resonance is not in the event listing. logical showerkt (def. false): If true, use the "shower kt" matching method (only for case with xqcut>0) otherwise use standard kt cone (now both for new and old shower). integer nqmatch (def. 5): Choose highest parton id being matched (should be set to 4 for bb~+jet matching) double etcjet: Minimum jet et in the cone jet matching algorithm. Set by default to max(ptj*1.2,ptj+5). 2.0.22 (04/03/08) Increased number of parameters allowed in run_card to 1000 Moved common block initializations in ME2pythia.f to a block data. 2.0.21 (22/1/08) Fixed bug running tauola in pythia.f (thanks to Erkcan Ozcan!) 2.0.20 (6/12/07) Updated to Pythia 6.4.14. Reads new banner format (MG/ME v4.1.47). 2.0.19 (10/10/07) Added reading of block QNUMBERS from param_card to add new particles Added parameters MINJETS and MAXJETS in the pythia_card for running matching on partial sample Added possibility to exclude events with given resonances for running matching using EXCRES=pdg number in pythia_card Fixed problem with total cross section for matched processes 2.0.18 (27/9/07) Removed default PARP(67)=1d0 statement in pythia.f Commented out new matching scheme for pt-ordered showers (now using standard MLM matching) Improved b-tagging and other issues in the hep2lhe converter 2.0.17 (12/9/07) Fixed bug where Z boson cross section was not reduced due to closed decay channels Fixed bug due to pdf number 0 for e+e- collisions 2.0.16 (20/8/07) Fixed bug due to better resonance treatment in MadEvent Improved treatment of decayed resonances in matching 2.0.15 (10/8/07) Updated to Pythia version 6.412. Included simple stdhep to lhe converter 2.0.14 (25/6/07) Fixed bug in reading SM parameters from banner 2.0.13 (16/5/07) Upgrade to Pythia 6.410 (with modification to allow use of UPVETO also for pt-ordered showers) Inclusion of new matching scheme for pt-ordered showers. Remove superfluous z/gamma resonance for e+e- collisions. 2.0.12 (9/5/07) Removed stable flag for pi's to fix tau reco in PGS Updated matching to allow for decayed particles 2.0.11 (24/3/07) Upgrade to PGS release 070120 - updated tau reco 2.0.10 (4/3/07) Improvements of cone-jet matching according to Alpgen v. 2.11. Some small changes to improve speed. 2.0.9 (15/2/07) Further improvements of treatment of highest multiplicity case in matching. 2.0.8 (26/1/07) Reinserted event number info to stdhep file. Improved treatment of highest multiplicity case in matching. Fixed bug concerning too many particles for ktclus. 2.0.7 (23/1/07) Removed "stop" statement if too many particles for kt clustering, removed hard-wired PARP(91) setting 2.0.6 (19/1/07) Initialize Pythia random seed to iseed given in banner 2.0.5 (16/1/07) Corrected bug in read_event function of PGS (MH) 2.0.4 (6/1/07) Added functionality for matching MadEvent jet matrix elements and Pythia parton showers. Also added jet clustering using ktclus (kt clustering) and getjet (cone jets), and creation of Root readable tree files with events and cross sections -- Passing to version 2 with the merging of the matching version with -- -- the main branch -- 1.0.4 (03/01/07) Pythia file pyspli.f modified to allow for photon inital state in pp collisions 1.0.3 (13/12/06) New pythia and pgs from LHC Olympics 1.0.2 (6/12/06) Added event number info to stdhep file (ME2pythia.f and pythia.f) 1.0.1 (30/11/06) Fixed bug in ME2pythia.f in adjusting masses for particles with more than one resonance mother